The main reasons why many people are losing their faith in God and the remedy

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Statistics show that today in societies across the globe, there is an overwhelming and growing percentage of Christians leave alone other people who are moving away from faith teachings and contending for just being a church goer or just having a form of godliness.

I want to challenge you however, as my fellow believers in Christ that these are NOT the days to let your guard down but to in fact – to be fired up for Jesus.

Before we look at the need for maintaining your faith in God, let us look at the 9 main reasons why believers are having a difficult time in their faith walk today

1) doctrinal indifferences: various religions make it difficult for people to understand how faith works – especially regarding on teachings regarding healing and prosperity. 3rd John 2 should be the base Scripture for all.

2) man’s ideologies added the original church doctrine – therefore the gospel lacks the strong and convicting evidence or demonstrations of the power of God.

Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 2:1 “And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of God.”

Verses 4 says; …And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: Verse 5; “…That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God”.

3) disillusionment following individual’s personal trauma like; unanswered prayers; the existence of natural disasters, diseases and all the evil in the world. Majority of Christians still asks, If God loves me so much, then why this and that is happening to me. (Look at Deuteronomy 28:1-20).

4) morality issues in churches. The ongoing questionable morality issues among religious leaders and some of the religious people.

5) having a salvation by works mentality. People depending on their good works to earn them favor with God in their areas of need. When it does not happen, they get frustrated and quite the church and their faith is affected.

6) too much organized religion. Christian believers say they dislike organized religion and want to make their own decisions rather than listening to somebody else make them for them. They no longer feel satisfied with the teachings of their religion.

7) not convinced that God cares enough about His creation. People do NOT want to learn about God because they think that the mischief in this world is indicative of a bad God who does not care at all.

8)  distracted by love for materialism. People priority continues to be influenced by the spirit of materialism. They find that they’re too busy to participate in anything to do with God or church because of their work schedules

9) deliberately letting it go. People let faith go because of disappointments, wounds, or family violence and distractions. What they hoped for did not come to fruition.

People who walk away from Christianity usually say, “I shall be just fine. Please do not worry about me”.

All of us will experience loss of faith or we’ll experience times of spiritual weakness; now and then but when we do, we need to run to the Word of God so we can be nourished. 

The Bible states clearly states in Hebrews 11:6 that without it, we CANNOT please God. Faith, like love, is an element that bonds together relationships. We can lose faith just like the same way we lose love — this may be due to many reasons we mentioned above.

Over and over, the scriptures say, “If you had faith, you would be healed.” If you had faith, big things would happen.

Clearly faith is vital. Without faith, we are powerless. Without faith, we are lost. The Lord said that faith is like a seed that needs good soil and care, otherwise the seed can’t take root. (Matthew chapter 13. Similarly, our soul needs to be fed with God’s Word continually for it to be strong and grow (Romans 10:17)

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